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Locavore Volumes at Vessel & Vine: The Hungriest Book Club in Town - Scandi Edition

Join us here at the Vine on Wednesday Jan 15 at 6PM for the highly anticipated inaugural meeting of the Locavore Volumes, a book club crafted for those of us who love FOOD more than anything else: eating it, cooking it, hunting it, foraging it, farming it, and all the rest! We'll read cookbooks filled with delicious concoctions; fiction that explores food and our profound social and cultural ties to how it's grown and made; essays on the ethical implications of modern agricultural practices, sourcing and sustainability; and much more. 

This month, join moderator @jbishungry (owner of Santosha On The Kennebec - as we take a deep dive into Scandinavian cooking. We'll read excerpts from Magnus Nilsson's "The Nordic Cookbook", a veritable tome of authentic cooking from the north country. Then we'll cure our own gravlax, assemble some Swedish meatballs (meat and vegan alike!), compare recipes for glogg, and sip on house-made variations of akvavit. $45 gets you an akvavit tasting, scrumptious snacks, scintillating conversation, gravlax to take home, and more!

"The Nordic Cookbook" can be pre-ordered at Gulf of Maine Books, but feel free to come and share our copy if you don't have a copy for yourself. Questions? Holler at the Vine: 207.721.3000.
